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How to check whether your images are commercially marketable?

Commercial photography

Although photography is used to capture life moments of people in the past, photography has become a tool for marketing and commercial activities. If you are capable of taking killer shots of models, places, or objects, you can submit your works to various agencies willing to buy these images. These companies will make use of your image to represent some commercial products or events. You can easily buy photography equipment to take these pictures. To get selected by these companies, your work should be of a standard. In this article, let us discuss some things to check before submitting your photography for commercial purposes.

Factors to check before commercial submission

Thumbnails matter

Everyone would have taken a brilliant photograph. But they would know it is great as they have seen it in full resolution. If you are looking to sell your image, you would be submitting your photos to various sources where buyers will have a glance at your work. As in every industry, there will be a heavy competition among all the works of different photographers. So, most of the buyers will try to go further through the thumbnails of your images and not their full resolution version. If they do not like your thumbnail, they will not even open your image and move on to the next one. So, you should check whether your image looks better even in the thumbnail form. Else, it is advisable to submit any other image for the commercial process.

Full size checking

If you are selling your picture to a professional buyer, you cannot market the pictures that emotionally connect with you. It is mandatory to check the professional correctness of your image before submitting it to any platform. Checking your image in full resolution is the best way to test the technical correctness. Although you may be a professional photographer, there will be some issues with your image like chromatic distortion, focus issues, and different noises. If you view your output in 100% resolution, you can witness these issues. It is mandatory to get a technically sound picture for a commercial success. If your image is not perfect technically, you should move to the next image.

Check for versatility

As you are looking to sell your photos, buyers will be looking for the maximum benefit for their expense. If your image is usable in many occasions, it will be an added advantage. An image that can be cropped, edited, and combined with any other will sell in better numbers than a single-use image. Although you should have versatility in your picture, it should be capable of standing alone and tell a story. Either modified or standalone, a picture that suits the two will sell. Most of the companies will look to add their logos or other features in the images they buy. So, there should be some negative space in your outputs to add these features. If your subject fills all the space out there, it is unlikely to sell.

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